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Lanthan Safe Sky Transponder BNK

Lanthan Safe Sky looks back at a successful founding year and begins a new one full of potential

  • The Lanthan Safe Sky GmbH was founded in spring of 2020 as a joint venture between three companies; Air Avionics, RECASE, and Lanthan.
  • Declared objective of the company is to increase acceptance of wind energy through Aircraft Detection Warning System (in short transponder ADLS).
  • Contracts to equip more than 3000 wind turbines were finalized and many projects have been installed and completed.
  • As many as 100 projects are currently in the implementation phase. Approval procedures are being supported without extra cost with extensive documentation.
  • In just 9 months the team has effectively more than doubled in size with now over 30 employees.

Walldorf, December 11, 2020

Lanthan Safe Sky was founded in spring of this year with the objective of providing dark night skies to both nature and residents living close to wind turbines, and by the same token ensuring the security of those utilizing the lower airspace. The achievement of these goals is being made possible through the innovative technology of the Aircraft Detection Warning System (in short transponder ADLS), which was developed by team members and ensures that obstacle warning lights on wind turbines only shine when an aircraft is close by. “Even in the airspace close to airports we are able to reach beaconing off-time periods on average of 98%, in many cases close to 100%“, explains general manager Mitja Klatt. “Through these endeavors we hope to encourage a wider public acceptance for wind energy and thus make a key contribution to the  transition to renewable energy.”

The present record of success of this young start-up, which began as a joint venture between the established companies Air Avionics, Recase and Lanthan, speaks for itself. From a team of 12 experts in the areas of aviation, aviation obstruction markers, project management and wind energy, LSS has grown to include over thirty employees. As the first supplier of a transponder based ADLS system to have passed through all the licensing and approval processes, Lanthan Safe Sky was able to secure orders to equip more than 3000 wind turbines.

“Meanwhile we have been able to complete the retrofitting of several projects and parallel to this we are currently managing the implementation of almost one hundred more. This success is not only based on our expertise, but also on absolute cost transparency for our customers. Our offers are individually tailored from single WTGs up to complete parks and there are no hidden costs. We offer our products fully licensed, which means there are no patent related risks for the operators. Additionally, we provide support for the approval process at the location with extensive documentation as required by each local authority, without the client incurring additional costs”, reports Steven Siemen, lead project management at Lanthan Safe Sky GmbH. “In cases where the authorities require a report from an independent appraiser, we provide our clients with support to apply for these at external registration offices.”

For 2021, the company has once again set ambitious goals. Production and project implementation will successively be increased, ensuring customers the possibility of extensive and widespread retrofitting with the tailored ADLS system, one year in advance of the statutory deadline to do so. Lanthan Safe Sky will be continually optimizing their processes and offers through new partnerships. In addition, new products are in the pipeline, which are intended to provide affordable solutions for smaller projects to make available the Lathan Safe Sky transponder based ADLS system.

Mitja Klatt is looking forward to these challenges and looks optimistically to the future. “ The trust already emplaced in us by our clients makes us proud and motivates us to defend our position as market leader in ADLS systems and to convince even more customers of our solutions.”

About Lanthan Safe Sky GmbH: 

Lanthan Safe Sky’s mission is to make the sky a safer, and the night sky a darker place. The founders and central players of Lanthan, Air Avionics, and RECASE joined forces to combine the bundled expertise of a leader in aviation obstruction marking technology, an aerospace approved manufacturer of avionic instruments, and an experienced engineer and consultancy service provider in the field of renewable energy. 

The three companies started working together on transponder-based ADLS systems many years ago, with a mission to create a safe, market-mature, cost-effective and sustainable detection technology. 

A lot of hard work went into gaining approval for this relatively young technology. With success, as a broad consensus was achieved. New regulations brought into law in countries such as Germany, but also in the ICAO, the world’s highest level international civil aviation authority, allow the use of transponder ADLS technology. Based as it is on the reception of signals that are already transmitted by each and every aircraft, this technology is emission free and also cost effective.  


Lanthan Safe Sky GmbH

Wieslocher Str. 38

69190 Walldorf

Contact person: Mitja Klatt

Tel.: +49 (0) 6227 69 89 630



For a safe sky and dark nights.

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